August 9, 2024
Exercising after Male Breast Reduction: What to Know!
The most successful treatment for gynecomastia, or enlarged male breasts, is a male breast reduction. This cosmetic surgery technique eliminates extra fat and glandular tissue from the chest to make it look flatter, firmer, and more masculine. Gynecomastia can affect males of any age, and male breast reduction can be done safely and effectively on both teenagers and adults.
The most commonly asked follow-up question is:
How long should one wait to exercise after their Breast Reduction surgery?
Patients are instructed to wear a pressure garment in the shape of a tight vest for nearly a month after surgery.
The recovery period is quite short, and the healing time is also very short.
Keeping the exercise in mind, a patient can return to work within 48 hours after a male breast reduction in grade 1 or grade 2 if there are no drains.
If the drains are still in place after surgery, they are normally removed on the fourth or fifth day. In pursuance of that, a patient can go back to their daily activities but the kick is, they have to start slow. (Breast)
Within the first 15 days, a patient can start their day by exercising light cardio. In addition to that, after a month, patients can start jogging, running or taking brisk walks. The hardcore upper body exercises can be resumed after 1.5 months! It is always wise to act in the best interest of your body and under the supervision of your Plastic Surgeon.